Monday, August 31, 2015

EME2040 Blog #1

       My experiences with technology have been beneficial and frustrating. I recently figured out how to make my cell phone a remote for my TV and it saved me $7. Needless to say that was amazing. My Microsoft Office wasn’t working for the past week and that was infuriating. I’m not the most tech savvy person so when things aren’t working I have a bad day. I prefer to learn how to use new technology by figuring things out by myself. I don’t use instruction manuals unless I’m building something.  

      What I hope to learn the most in this class is how to use a smartboard. That was the coolest thing teachers had in middle school. That’s about it for me. I’ve never seen teachers use anything more technological than that. In my high school, teachers didn’t know they had to wait for videos to buffer. I’d also like to know how teachers put in grades and make the necessary calculations for grading.

        I’m fairly even in most of the categories except for one. I have a moderate preference for sensing learning than intuitive. This I definitely agree with because when it comes to learning, I need facts and calculations. I’ll take algebra over statistics any day. I’m surprised I’m more of a global learner than sequential but I understand why that’s so. 9 times out of 10 when I don’t understand something it’s because I didn’t grasp one thing. once that sets in, then it clicks and I immediately get it. My earliest recollection of this is in the 2nd grade when I didn’t understand the concept of change. Then my teacher told it’s the extra money you gave and I understood it completely after that.